Our Optometry Practice
in Kelowna

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From Our Eye Care Family to Yours

Since 1971, Rutland Optometry has been providing exceptional eye care to the community. We’ve watched our community grow into what it is today, and we’ve watched many of our patients grow as well. 

We know the importance of finding an eye doctor that cares about your entire family’s ocular health. The team at Rutland Optometry is always happy to answer any of your questions, ensuring you are completely informed about your eye health.

Meet us in person by booking your next appointment.

Our Story

If you’ve lived in Rutland long, you may be aware that our name used to be Rutland Optical. In 1971, Rutland Optical opened its doors. The little optometry shop changed hands a few times over the years while serving the growing community of Rutland and building up our loyal client base. 

In 1995, Bobbi Story purchased the practice, taking Rutland Optical to greater heights and moving it into a larger location in the Willow Park Plaza (where we are today).

After 30 years, Bobbi passed the torch on to Dr. Parekh, who changed the name and transformed the business into the Rutland Optometry you know today.

Who We Are


Dr. Sunil Parekh



Carol Ann




Pre Tester


Jennifer Stewart


We’re Local

Our office is conveniently located on Highway 33 in the heart of Rutland, just minutes from Highway 97. Find us inside Willow Park Mall, with ample parking just outside our doors.

Our Address

  • 3-590 Hwy 33 W
  • Kelowna, BC V1X 6A8

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Thursday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Friday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed



Wayne Keuhl opens Rutland Optical to serve the community


Gary Rogers purchases Rutland Optical and establishes a reputation within the community


Carol Friesen follows in her father’s footsteps and continues the family business


Bobbi Story purchases Rutland Optical and takes it to new heights


Sunil Parekh transforms Rutland Optical into Rutland Optometrty

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