Eye Nutrition
in Kelowna

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Bridging The Gap Between Wellness & Eye Health

Managing and maintaining your eye health is just as important as managing and maintaining your overall health. In some ways, what you do to stay healthy can also help keep your eyes healthy—including all the nutrients you take in every day.

Our team is ready to help you find suitable nutrients for your needs by recommending a personalized selection of foods and supplements.

Make the most of your eye health. Start today by booking your appointment.

How Nutrients Affect Your Eyes

Researchers of macro and micronutrients are finding out more about the effect foods and supplements can have on your eye health. These nutrients can come from fruits, vegetables, meats, grains nuts, fish, and legumes.

Depending on the foods and supplements you ingest, you may help reduce the risk of developing eye diseases and conditions like:

By strengthening the structures that support your eyes, you may be able to preserve your vision as you grow older.

Foods & Supplements That May Help

Some nutrients that help your eyes include vitamins C, A, E, and fatty acids like lutein, zinc, omega-3. You may choose to eat foods rich in these nutrients, but you may also want to look for supplements.

Our team is here to help answer your questions and find nutrients that may serve you best. We can help by personalizing a nutrient plan that suits your dietary needs and restrictions. 

Some of the most common foods we may recommend can include:

  • Fruits: Lemons, mangoes, oranges, strawberries
  • Vegetables: Tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, kale, corn
  • Fish: Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines
  • Nuts: Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews
  • Legumes: Beans, peas, lentils

We’re Local

Our office is conveniently located on Highway 33 in the heart of Rutland, just minutes from Highway 97. Find us inside Willow Park Mall, with ample parking just outside our doors.

Our Address

  • 3-590 Hwy 33 W
  • Kelowna, BC V1X 6A8

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Thursday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Friday: 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed



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